Please excuse my recent lame posting. I have 3 assignments to do with deadlines falling for 2 on the same day :-O and the last one for a week later. The word count for each assignment is 2,500 words, so I have a total of 7,500 words to write up. This has resulted in some 'all nighters' - In which I stop procrastinating and actually get a move on, as my warm bed is waiting for me. This is impossible to do without some caffeine in my system. Anyway, not long to go now, then I should hopefully post on a more regular basis. When the missions accomplished ;-)
However, I do not understand why people mock others with disabilities or learning difficulties. I mean it can happen to anyone right? I'll tell you what brought this on - A friend of mine was talking to me about the notes a lecturer had prepared before the lecture was to commence. The notes contained missing words and spelling mistake, not the greatest and you could make out what he was trying to say. This lecturer has Dyslexia. This is a learning difficulty in which people find it hard to read and write. My friend commented on the lecturers Dyslexia. But I don't was either close to home, but it touched a nerve. I kind of had to put her straight, but it does make me wonder. What would people like that actually do if God forbid someone in their family had a disability or learning difficulty? Believe me it's no fun, and I wouldn't change my siblings for the world.
The friend in question's mother suffers from medical problems and other mental health issues by the sound of it, but she say's she's just 'depressed'. In my opinion she had no room to talk, but only God can be the judge of the words we utter. BUT...
Do people no longer fear the creator? He's above all mankind, why mock someone because of their disabilities? I've seen first hand mockery being made of someone with a disability, even one who has a higher IQ than myself or the next Doctor passing by. But he's still been mocked and made fun of, and believe me it hurts their loved ones. He's no fool, he has feelings just like you and me and he realises when he's being mocked. He has no physical disabilities and looks perfectly well from the face of it, but the world is an evil place. Sometimes I wish I lived on a little Island somewhere, away from this evil Earth and I wish I could take my loved ones with me - wishful thinking. All a child or person with disabilities need is love and attention , there beautiful 'like diamonds in the sky' I can't bear it when people mock others disabilities, nobodies perfect. Please just ask God for forgiveness and pray for those suffering, don't mock them. It just touched a nerve I suppose, but what is the world coming to?
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