So, it's been 2 years today since my grandpa passed away. That's a total of 730 days since I last saw him. It feel like yesterday since he left us, time passes by ever so quickly. But, the pain is still raw. I miss him now more than ever, he was the best father anyone could have asked for. All we're left with now are memories I didn't realise that the day he closes his eyes, it will rock my world. You just can't imagine it happening to someone you love, but it does, we all have to go one day.
My grandpa was more than just a grandpa to me, he was everything any child could ask for. I looked up to him and we shared a close bond. He raised us with all the love and care a child needs. He never let anyone feel left out. Sometimes, there's that one person in your life who keeps your world together like superglue. Once they leave, the world crumbles around you. My superglue went, my world crumbled. All I have now are memories.
My grandpa was an honest and law abiding citizen, who had a heart made of gold. my memories of my grandpa start from a very early age. Around Christmas, when I was around 4, he came around with a black bag full of Roses chocolate boxes. We all got one each, he was entertaining us and pretending to be Santa. He looked after each of his grandchildren without a spare of love. I spent a lot of my weekends and holidays at my grandparents house. We were spoilt rotten and got everything we asked for. As we grew up, we didn't part, we just grew fonder of each other. For a good few years, when I was in secondary school, I would pack a bag on Friday morning. Because I knew when I got home from school that day Dad would be waiting to collect me. He'd shop on a Friday morning, and would be as excited as me. I would spend all weekend at my grandpa's and then he'd take me back home on Sunday night. All day at school I would be so excited and full of anticipation, I couldn't wait until the bell went off at 3 o' clock. I hated Sunday's. because I didn't want to go back. I also lived with him for a 2 and a half year period. I loved every minute of it.
Looking back at the memories I have, I often think of what I would have changed if I could go back in time. The first and last funeral I ever went to was my grandpa's, and not only was it a new atmosphere to me, it was unfortunately also the last time I would see my beloved Dad. He had a sudden death, so he left without little warning, only if I'd known. I visited him on the day he passed away and was fortunate enough to make him his last cup of tea. Oh how I yearn to go back to that day and tell him how much I loved him. He passed away 10 minutes after I left him. I have gone through a circle of 'what if's' and always come back to the same point - God gives life and he takes life. x
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