Monday, 20 May 2013

Tales of a perfectionist

Perfectionism, it's a big word with a bigger meaning. I happen to be a living definition of the word, apparently. As a perfectionist, not only have a I finished reading the book which I started reading yesterday, I've also kept myself busy with some baking. But being the perfectionist I am, The kitchen has to be spotless before I start any cooking or baking at all. Today I spent the morning giving the kitchen a good scrub, and then went on to bake...

I have been given the task of making the cupcakes of Queenie's tea-party, although I know my way around the kitchen, it's always better to bag a little more experience before the arrival of the big day. 

The pink spatula speaks perfectionism!

I decided to make some simple cupcakes with vanilla icing. I took photos of most of the steps, but I realised later I'd missed some steps out. I started with this...

The ingredients.

I then set the cupcake cases out onto the baking tray and pre-heated the oven. The mixing came next, not only is this the noisiest part of the process, its also the most important. I creamed the margarine and sugar together, until it became light and fluffy. I then proceeded to mix the eggs into the margarine and sugar. 

The curdled egg doesn't look the greatest.

I forgot to take snaps of the flour and baking soda which were folded into the above mixture, I then added the mixture to the cupcake cases which were sitting ever so patiently in the cupcake tray. 

And patiently waited...and waited. I don't really time how long they've stayed in the oven till, I just take them out when they look ready. That's what experience does to you, the instinct kicks in. While I waited for the cupcakes to bake, I started cleaning my work space and washing up. I tend to keep washing to a minimal, and get it over and done with as soon as possible. So I started working my magic on this pile...

It didn't take very long, I'm used to washing more than that, and then ta-da...

The cupcakes were ready to be taken out of the oven, and cooled. 

I think they could have done with a little more mixture.
I then waited for them to cool down and set out to decorate them. I kind of cheated as I used the good old Betty Crocker's Vanilla Icing. 

I put the largest nozzle I had into a disposable piping bag, before icing. Here was the result...

And the verdict....they were better than ever! Enjoy :) x

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