Monday, 22 October 2012

Apologies x

Again, I haven't written a blog post for quite a while and I don't like restricting my posts to once a week. :-/ I had actually written a post, but it was full of ranting and raving, so I thought to spare you all the misery. Anyway, I shall share some of the happenings in my life with you all. Firstly, I have been exhausted! Now that one is an ongoing problem in my life. I have 3 pieces of coursework, each of 2,500 words, to complete and send off within 2 weeks of each other. 2 of the pieces are in on the same day! EEEKKK! And then there's one to hand in a week later. Yes, A WEEK! So you guessed that one right, I have actually been working. Aren't I a good girl. I have loaned a total of 14 textbooks, of all different forms and colours, from the Uni library. And yes, I have carried them all. The books seem to weigh more than me! 

Why else haven't I updated my dear blog? Of course, it's Eid near the weekend. So that means shopping, shopping, some more shopping and of course preparation. I have nearly got my outfit sorted, I should hopefully share some snaps with you all. Eid should fall on Friday, I think. So I plan on taking Thursday off as well. I already have Wednesday off, so that shouldn't be too bad. And guess what? I have Monday off as well! My lecture has been cancelled! I'm leaping with joy, I have a total of 6 days off uni, in a row. What more could I ask for?

Yes, this post is going to be short and snappy. But what can I do, so little time and soo much to do. I WILL update you all on how the day of Eid entailed. Hopefully, with some snaps.

Until then, my fellow readers Farewell :) x

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Mood boards & Collages

Firstly, mood boards and collages are the same thing with a different name, right? Hmm, well I think so. Anyway, I heart mood boards. I like the way you can express yourself on one little board. I would like to think a persons personality can also be displayed on a mood board. How so, you may think? Well a neat and perfectionist type of person would make a neat and perfect mood board, whereas those with butterfingers may make a less neater mood board. I had a love for making mood boards, yes had, which is not so much anymore. I don't make them anymore, but I still stalk them. Anyway here are a few I caught  a glimpse of in my magazine and thought they would be nice to share with you all. 

This is a little blue, but look how well random blue clothing came together. It's created such a pretty picture. The next one is not so blue...

Oooh Pinks! Squeals in delight. You can never go wrong with a splash of pink! Another one, of a completely different colour...

How many colours can you spot in this? Clearly, there was no restriction to the colour, or colours should I say. Printed pants have been in lately, but you can go topsy turvy, I suppose. The prints in this case (can you tell I study Law?) mood board are on the shirts and what looks like a skirt. But don't forget the humbug-gy striped skinnies. I loved Textiles and Art at school (I suppose Law is classified as an 'Art', is it not?) and would jump at the chance of creating a mood board. I used to make mood boards out of fabric, how I wish I still had them lying around. Anyway I hope to share some more highs and lows of life as a student in the future, until then Cheerio :)

Monday, 8 October 2012


I haven't been neglecting my blog, I just haven't had the time to update it. (Now your thinking, yeah yeah that's what they all say) But I have seriously been busy. Let me share with you some of the stuff which has kept me busy. 

As you all must have guessed by now, I'm back at uni. So we all know what that means, more work. The story of my life. Taking a trip down memory lane, brings me to conclude that I have spent most of my 20 years on this planet with either a book or pen in hand. Now that is bad! No wonder I've been 'busy'! I've been trying to cope with reading for five modules, a timetable which is all over the place and also doing preparation work ahead of my lectures, tutorials and workshops. Not only have I had all this on my plate... I have some irking news to share with you. A little rant, maybe.

What irks me is when you have tutorial on a Friday until 4.00pm and the people in the class are just so........ b o r i n g. Yeah this irks me, they're all so sad and quiet, as if their sat in mourning. Yeah I know it's Friday and I can tell the time, but come on people, don't make my tutorial one where i just want to doze off. I need to learn and get rid of that student status. I want to be there in the big bad world, showing people what i'm made of. So please don't make this process long and boring for me. Long it is yeah, I am studying for 4 years for a Masters Degree in Law, but make it a good jolly 4 years maybe? Solicitors and Barristers in the making don't mourn or pretend to, just because they have a tutorial at 4, get a grip people! I could have sat there watching the clock, but I decided to have a giggle. It helps when you aren't alone and have a partner in crime Yup, a solicitor in the making with a partner in crime. What did we giggle at, you may ask. Anything and everything is your answer. The tutor involved us in a scenario and got all the names muddled up, beware there was only the 3 of us on a row. So the tutor was the laughing stock, the people sat behind us also decided to have a giggle. I'm not sure whether this was at us or with us, though. This all kind of dampened the glum atmosphere. But surely, we needed something to carry on giggling at. The world is my oyster. The wobbly table, maybe? Or maybe the ridiculous answers of my peers? The stupid scenarios the tutor came up with? Anyway, you get the picture, the hour fleeew! Oh how fun was that hour...I'm still giggling from memories, a few days later :) x

Another thing which irked me was how there is always one ridiculously dozy lecturer. Now maybe your wondering what an idiot you are girl, how can a lecturer be dozy? But believe me, the lecturer is so bone idol and slacks in her performance. She lacks enthusiasm, and her lectures and tutorials are the longest and most boring on the planet. Not only this but she cracks jokes, for which we laugh at her and not with her. Let alone the breaks she goes on, and waddles back in with a coffee. Haha, how I love to make her the highlight of my day. Mean, much? But on the plus side, you can get away with anything in her lecture, whether it's talking, using your mobile or just simply giggling! It's not my fault, I'm a happy go lucky type of person I cannot stand silence and a dull atmosphere. Silence stings my ears! 

What else has kept me busy? Apprenticeship applications, nope not for me but for a sibling. Taking care of his e-mails from employers and training providers. Arranging assessment and interview times with employers, there's always plenty to keep me busy.

I'll share the good times and bad times of my student life, look out for a post on the bow tie lecturer. No lie!
:) x