Monday, 22 October 2012

Apologies x

Again, I haven't written a blog post for quite a while and I don't like restricting my posts to once a week. :-/ I had actually written a post, but it was full of ranting and raving, so I thought to spare you all the misery. Anyway, I shall share some of the happenings in my life with you all. Firstly, I have been exhausted! Now that one is an ongoing problem in my life. I have 3 pieces of coursework, each of 2,500 words, to complete and send off within 2 weeks of each other. 2 of the pieces are in on the same day! EEEKKK! And then there's one to hand in a week later. Yes, A WEEK! So you guessed that one right, I have actually been working. Aren't I a good girl. I have loaned a total of 14 textbooks, of all different forms and colours, from the Uni library. And yes, I have carried them all. The books seem to weigh more than me! 

Why else haven't I updated my dear blog? Of course, it's Eid near the weekend. So that means shopping, shopping, some more shopping and of course preparation. I have nearly got my outfit sorted, I should hopefully share some snaps with you all. Eid should fall on Friday, I think. So I plan on taking Thursday off as well. I already have Wednesday off, so that shouldn't be too bad. And guess what? I have Monday off as well! My lecture has been cancelled! I'm leaping with joy, I have a total of 6 days off uni, in a row. What more could I ask for?

Yes, this post is going to be short and snappy. But what can I do, so little time and soo much to do. I WILL update you all on how the day of Eid entailed. Hopefully, with some snaps.

Until then, my fellow readers Farewell :) x