Sunday, 14 October 2012

Mood boards & Collages

Firstly, mood boards and collages are the same thing with a different name, right? Hmm, well I think so. Anyway, I heart mood boards. I like the way you can express yourself on one little board. I would like to think a persons personality can also be displayed on a mood board. How so, you may think? Well a neat and perfectionist type of person would make a neat and perfect mood board, whereas those with butterfingers may make a less neater mood board. I had a love for making mood boards, yes had, which is not so much anymore. I don't make them anymore, but I still stalk them. Anyway here are a few I caught  a glimpse of in my magazine and thought they would be nice to share with you all. 

This is a little blue, but look how well random blue clothing came together. It's created such a pretty picture. The next one is not so blue...

Oooh Pinks! Squeals in delight. You can never go wrong with a splash of pink! Another one, of a completely different colour...

How many colours can you spot in this? Clearly, there was no restriction to the colour, or colours should I say. Printed pants have been in lately, but you can go topsy turvy, I suppose. The prints in this case (can you tell I study Law?) mood board are on the shirts and what looks like a skirt. But don't forget the humbug-gy striped skinnies. I loved Textiles and Art at school (I suppose Law is classified as an 'Art', is it not?) and would jump at the chance of creating a mood board. I used to make mood boards out of fabric, how I wish I still had them lying around. Anyway I hope to share some more highs and lows of life as a student in the future, until then Cheerio :)

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